Where Do We Draw the Line with Steroid Use?

By: Mallory Marsicek

Image result for baseball swing

Cortisone shots are given to almost any athlete that feels some time of pain, but it is prescribed by a doctor. This also means the player can play better. A doctor gives a player a Vitamin B-12 shot for his cold and he feels better and plays later that day. He can play better as a result. And he has used performance-enhanced drugs. So where do we draw the line when it comes to steroid use? 

These are controlled substances that cannot be taken with a medical reason and a doctor’s prescription. Without the okay from a doctor these substances are illegal. Taking drugs to get stronger allows a player to throw further and potentially hit better. But you can also get stronger by eating healthy, working out, and practicing the sport. 

Taking these drugs to become stronger does not make you a better hitter in baseball, the only thing it makes you is stronger. The thing that makes you a better hitter is seeing the ball and connecting with the ball at the right moment at a specific part of the bat. You don’t have to be incredibly strong to do this, depending on how fast the pitcher pitches, you may not have to swing hard at all as long as you meet the ball at the right spot. 


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