How to get the attendance up?

By: Taylor Johnson

Image result for NFL or NBA games in 2018

Today it is hard to gain attendance for professional sporting events. Now more than ever, the sports industry is faced with an uphill battle of finding ways to entice young people to actually attend games. The rise of technology has made it exponentially easier to view sporting events from the comfort of their own homes.  Not to mention, professional sporting groups such as the NBA and NFL have also made it easier through mobile applications and their own TV stations. With every TV package you are able to login and watch the sporting events online without going to the games.

Technology like Amazon Fire sticks, Roku TV, and any other devices that can television a sporting event. these are only so me of the reasons why most young adults aren’t attending professional sporting events. Not to mention when going to a event you are spending close to maybe $20 or more for a snack and a drink but if you were at home you could make a whole meal while watching a sporting event. It is so much easier to watch sporting events in the comfort of your own home. 

Here are some simple examples some teams could do to try to raise attendance. Teams could host meet and greats with the most popular players, they could travel to elementary schools and up to talk in class rooms, and maybe even host giveaways at the games.

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