Why does emotional Intelligence matter?

By: Taylor Johnson

Experts say emotional intelligence -- the ability to read, understand and respond to emotions in ourselves and others -- is crucial in predicting our health, happiness and success.

Most people would ask what is emotional intelligence and why does it matter ? Emotional intelligence that gives us the ability to read our instinctive feelings and those of others. It also allows us to understand and label emotions as well as express and regulate them, according to Yale University’s Marc Brackett. Either you think you can do all of the above or you tend to overestimate your own emotional intelligence. 
According to Brackett, a professor in the Child Study Center at Yale and founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. 

When asking what is emotional intelligence it is how  our emotions can impact on an individual’s thinking and behavior. You could say once you understanding all of your emotions and how or why you are feeling a certain why 


13 Sighs of High Emotional intelligence

By: Taylor Johnson 

In 1995, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. the idea that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success. With understanding all 13 you will understand yourself and your emotions. these are only seven out of the eleven. 

Number one, you think about feelings. Emotional intelligence begins with what is called self- and social awareness, the ability to recognize emotions (and their impact) in both yourself and others.

Number two, you pause. The pause is as simple as taking a moment to stop and think before you speak or act. (Easy in theory, difficult in practice.) This can help save you from embarrassing moments or from making commitments too quickly.

Number three, you strive to control your thoughts. You don’t have much control over the emotion you experience in a given moment. But you can control your reaction to those emotions–by focusing on your thoughts. (As it’s been said: You can’t prevent a bird from landing on your head, but you can keep it from building a nest.)

Number Four, you benefit from criticism. Nobody enjoys negative feedback. But you know that criticism is a chance to learn, even if it’s not delivered in the best way. And even when it’s unfounded, it gives you a window into how others think.

Number five, you show authenticity. Authenticity doesn’t mean sharing everything about yourself, to everyone, all of the time. It does mean saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and sticking to your values and principles above all else.

Number six, you demonstrate empathy. The ability to you show empathy,  which includes understanding others’ thoughts and feelings, helps you connect with others. Instead of judging or labeling others, you work hard to see things through their eyes.

Number seven, you praise others. All humans crave acknowledgement and appreciation. When you commend others, you satisfy that craving and build trust in the process.


Top Most Violent off Field Incidents in sports

By: Taylor Johnson

These are only a couple on the list of top 25 but we can all agree violence occasionally happens on or off the field or court. It all starts with someone getting frustrated and starting the violence or starts exchanging harsh words. All of these involve some kind of killing, fighting, bruising, and harming of fans or players. number one is the most harmful and then it goes to least harmful 

  1. Andres Escobar was killed after world cup own goal in 1994
  2. Malice in the Palace. 
  3. A NHL beat down..
  4. Tonya Harding Calls a Hit on Nancy Kerrigan
  5. Bruins in the Stands in 1979
  6. Tyson-Lewis Press Conference
  7. Tom Gamboa Attacked by Fans
  8. Frank Fransisco Adds Stadium Seating
  9. Monica Seles Stabbed
  10. LeGarrette Blount Sucker Punches Byron Hout


Doping In athletics

By: Taylor Johnson

New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez was suspended in August 2013 after he was accused of having ties to Biogenesis, a now-defunct anti-aging clinic, and taking performance-enhancing drugs. The suspension covers 211 regular-season games through the 2014 season. Rodriguez denied the accusations and said he intends to appeal. Twelve other Major League Baseball players received 50-game suspensions without pay in the Biogenesis probe, and In July, Milwaukee Brewers star outfielder Ryan Braun was suspended for the rest of the season for violating the league's drug policy.

There has been so many athletes being caught doping for performance enhancing drugs. Athletes involved in all sports: baseball, basketball, soccer, football and more. Athletics even involved in events like world cup, Olympics, and more can also be tested for performance enhancing drugs   A Russian track team was supposed to compete in the Olympics was banned, Maria Sharapova a tennis player failed drug test for doping, track star Marion Jones and baseball player Barry Bonds were caught taking a drug called Tetrahydrogestrinone. these are all examples of athletes that have been caught and their careers were affected in some way. 

Doping is a form of cheating and there are several types of performance enhancing drugs. this also includes Anabolic steroids, stimulants, human growth hormones and diuretics.  are natural and synthetic substances which help build muscle mass, enabling athletes to train harder and recover quickly from strenuous workouts.


Starbucks Globalized

By: Taylor Johnson

Starbucks has successfully turned a global businesses into a local brand with 5 different marketing strategy. With making these changes they are able to still have locations all over the world and still build the business. 

  1. Starbucks carefully designs their physical locations to cater to local, cultural nuances. As a example in china the company combated a regional dislike 
  2. Starbucks design stores for the local consumer
  3. Starbucks’ digital strategy is consumer-centric 
  4. A seamless transition from online interactions to offline experience 
  5. Sub par local search marketing is letting them down  


Say No to Racism

Brooke Moore


Athletic organizations across the world are putting their feet down against racism. Soccer/football especially. German leaders spoke out against racism and condemned fans who chose to break the law with Nazi related symbols. FIFA launched the “say no to racism” campaign, they hang banners, promote athletes of all races, and do not tolerate bad behavior. They’ve showed the world their message and many countries are jumping at the chance to get involved and better a part of better change. They have even used PSAs to announce that racism will not be tolerated at their games. They verbalize their anger when players use racist action against other players and have been known to shut spectators out of games if racist tensions arises.

FIFA is taking action and is on the right track to making global change across the world. “Say no to racism” is a campaign that is changing the face of sports and athlete violence. It also has helped to prevent violence among fans and spectators.

73 Dead after Egyptian Riot

Brooke Moore


In February of 2012, a violent riot in Egypt left 73 people dead and more than 1,000 injured. The citizens involved in the riot chased opposing players and fought rival fans. During the time of the riot, Egypt was going through political disputes and that caused tension at the game.

The country did not support the riots and quickly denounced just that after the riot had ended. The teams of the game quickly spoke out that they had no part in the riots to keep the politics out of their football clubs. Since then, Egypt has been trying to clear their image and give themselves a better name. At the time the president of the country fired all of the officials and figures, while FIFA denounced the teams involvement in the riot. The country is still trying to recover from the unfortunate event today.

Sports Linked to Domestic Violence

By:Taylor Johnson

There are several sports linked to domestic violence but in 2014 during the FIFA World Cum in Brazil. An estimated 3.2 billion people participated in watching the soccer match and that is nearly half of the worlds population. July 15, 2018 they estimated 1 billion people would be watching the game and to most countries this is still a major sport.  

In England, according to researchers at Lancaster University, domestic violence calls raised 26 percent on days when the English national team played in the World Cup in 2002, 2008, and 2012. But when they lost, the calls increased by 38 percent. Another study in Calgary in Canada found that when the local football team were playing, calls increased by 15 percent, and by 40 percent when the team made the final and the stakes were higher. 

Yes, these are only examples of domestic violence and everyone knows these actions do not take place on the athletic fields we are watching on television or in the stands at the events but it needs more awareness then it is receiving now.  These are facts that domestic violence has been linked to these events. These sporting events could be doing so much more to help with this cause and it is a global issue not just a US issue. It can be anything from hosting some form of support system for families or spouses of those being effected by domestic violence 

If nearly half of the worlds population are watching these games then why do we have domestic violence? We need to be doing more.


Get Violence off the Field

Brooke Moore

Image result for violence on the field

Sports media can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to athletics, it give audiences the  chance to see everything that happens. Instant replay camera angles get better and better with each season. Using instant replay can help you empathize with players on a bad call, injury, or a misunderstanding happens. But it ca also show you when the dirty plays come out. ESPN is really good at highlighting the violence that instant replay catches. Avoiding violence on the field is the only way to portray athletes as clean and pure. Violence is not 100% avoidable but when you know the whole world is watching, it is less likely to occur.

Impacting Health industry

By: Taylor Johnson

Image result for gym logos images

One of the less-known aspects of sports management is the health and fitness industry. This would involve gyms or recreation centers like Planet Fitness, Anytime Fitness, YMCA gyms, and any other gyms that haven’t been mentioned. Health clubs and fitness centers have a unique set of ethical issues that they face. Many health clubs have high-pressure sales, which is a term that describes the quota their employees must meet on a monthly basis to keep their jobs. The problem in many of these clubs is that if each employee met his quota, there would be too many members to provide services to. Another ploy that many of these places use is getting members to sign up for lifetime memberships or forcing them to sign long contracts even though the person may quit after only a few months.
