Violence on the Field

Brooke Moore

Image result for soccer player getting punched

Soccer player, Luke nelson was rushed to the hospital after a single punch. He was knocked unconscious in the final minutes of the SAAFL division C2 match against Adelaide Lutheran. This fight also hurt three other players, hospitalized two, and has a bad impact on the sport of football. Parents and fans were outraged by the thuggery and fighting in amateur sporting events. Nelson was struck as he was trying to break up a small fight between players on the field. “I dragged them apart and felt a little tap to the back of my head and then got king hit from the left”. The injury caused him to miss a football camp and so charges were pressed against the player that hit him.

After the fight the Adelaide Lutheran club was put on suspension, it was one of the first on suspension after a single incident was reported. “there is no room for it in football. We frown upon any of our players getting involved in this”. They are trying to start a trend to stay out of fights on the field and eventually stop player fighting all together.

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