Glocalization Nation

Brooke Moore

Think globally, act locally. the concept of glocalization has steadily increased over the years and in order to succeed globally you must think locally. The fast food industry is one of the biggest success stories in glocalization.

McDonald’s has the strategy of listening more to what the local consumers want and need and then they act on it. They practice this all over the world and some of the local favorites are the McItaly burger, Maharaja Mac in India, and the McLobster in Canada.

Coca Cola became a world-wide phenom in 1955 when they started advertising in smaller countries across the globe. They had a 20 minute documentary called the “pearl of the Orient” which showcased Cokes popularity is small countries like the Philippines. Once it merged itself into the economy the country thrived and that carried over to other countries across the globe.

My last example is not part of the food industry but it is Disney Land and what Disney has brought to the glocalization table. In 2005, Disney made the efforts to add a park in Hong Kong to try and reach the Asian culture and emulsify itself. They added a lot of Asian culture to the park by changing menus, decor, and the settings. The park was not a huge success as a theme park but it was a success in glocalization.

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